Natest Primary School, also known as Madiba’s School, holds a special place in the hearts of the community it serves. Built with the contributions of descendants of indentured laborers, this school has been providing quality education for over 55 years. Situated...
Natest Primary School, also known as Madiba’s School, holds a special place in the hearts of the Campbell’s Town community in Old Mount Edgecombe. This institution was established thanks to the contributions of the descendants of indentured laborers who...
Natest Primary School, also known as Madiba’s School, holds a special place in the hearts of the community it serves. Established through the contributions of the descendants of indentured laborers in Campbell’s Town, Old Mount Edgecombe, this institution...
Natest Primary School holds a significant place in the hearts of the communities it serves. Established through the contributions of the descendants of indentured laborers, who toiled in the sugarcane plantations and mills of Campbell’s Town, Old Mount...
Natest Primary School, also known as Madiba’s School, holds a significant place in the hearts of the Campbell’s Town community in Old Mount Edgecombe. Established through the collective efforts of descendants of indentured laborers who toiled in the...